Member-only story
Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, Part Four
The Best of the Best: Isabela Island

After an early morning wake-up call, we grab our bagged breakfasts and head to the dock for a two-hour speedboat ride from Santa Cruz Island to Isabela Island, the largest by far in the Galápagos, larger than all the others combined. The island is about 120 km long, and some say its shape resembles a seahorse.

The Wooden House Lodge at Concha de Perla — walking distance from beaches, the town center of Puerto Villamil, and the boat docks — would be our cozy home for this leg of the adventure.
After all the sights and thrills of the other islands, I had no idea how much more exciting this island would be!

One of the younger islands, Isabela Island was formed by the joining of six shield volcanoes — from north to south — Ecuador, Wolf, Darwin, Alcedo, Sierra Negra, and Cerro Azul. All of the volcanoes except Ecuador are still active.